Weekly Sales

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Get rodeo ready by visiting the Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store and finding what completes your rodeo look! 

The Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store is located at 870 N. Yosemite Ave., Oakdale, CA.

#HopeChestThriftStore #ShopLocal #Rodeo #OakdaleEvents #OakdaleRodeo #LocalRodeo #Fashion #ThriftedFashion #RodeoThrift #ThriftShopping #OakdaleThrift #RodeoLife #CommunitySupport

Get rodeo ready by visiting the Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store and finding what completes your rodeo look!

The Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store is located at 870 N. Yosemite Ave., Oakdale, CA.

#hopechestthriftstore #shoplocal #rodeo #oakdaleevents #oakdalerodeo #localrodeo #fashion #thriftedfashion #rodeothrift #thriftshopping #oakdalethrift #rodeolife #communitysupport
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11 hours ago
Yee-Haw to exciting rodeo merchandise! Visit the Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store to shop western wear, rodeo gear, and cowboy must-haves to be ready for this years Oakdale Rodeo taking place on April 12 & 13, 2025.

The Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store is located at 870 N. Yosemite Ave., Oakdale, CA.

#HopeChestThriftStore #Oakdale #Rodeo #OakdaleEvents #CowboyCapital #CentralValleyEvents #OakdaleRodeo #RodeoGear #WesternWear #RodeoDeals

Yee-Haw to exciting rodeo merchandise! Visit the Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store to shop western wear, rodeo gear, and cowboy must-haves to be ready for this year's Oakdale Rodeo taking place on April 12 & 13, 2025.

The Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store is located at 870 N. Yosemite Ave., Oakdale, CA.

#HopeChestThriftStore #Oakdale #Rodeo #OakdaleEvents #CowboyCapital #CentralValleyEvents #OakdaleRodeo #RodeoGear #WesternWear #RodeoDeals
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16 hours ago
Browse through our selection of Womens Jackets to find something that is sure to keep you warm and dry!

To locate a Hope Chest Thrift Store near you, visit hopechestthrift.org/locations/.

#HopeChestThriftStore #WomensClothing #WinterWear #Jackets #WarmandDry #CentralValley #ShopLocal #ThriftLocal #CentralValleyThrifting #WinterClothing #ThriftShopping #Thrifting #ThriftStoreFinds #ShopLocalCentralValley #ThriftedStyle #JacketWeather #ThriftedFashion

Browse through our selection of Women's Jackets to find something that is sure to keep you warm and dry!

To locate a Hope Chest Thrift Store near you, visit hopechestthrift.org/locations/.

#HopeChestThriftStore #WomensClothing #WinterWear #Jackets #WarmandDry #CentralValley #ShopLocal #ThriftLocal #CentralValleyThrifting #WinterClothing #ThriftShopping #Thrifting #ThriftStoreFinds #ShopLocalCentralValley #ThriftedStyle #JacketWeather #ThriftedFashion
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2 days ago
The Oakdale Rodeo is approaching soon, be sure to head to the Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store to browse through a large selection of rodeo merchandise!

The Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store is located at 870 N. Yosemite Ave., Oakdale, CA.

#HopeChestThriftStore #Oakdale #OakdaleDeals #Rodeo #AprilEvents #OakdaleEvents #OakdaleRodeo #CentralValley #RodeoThrift #LocalThrift #ShopLocal #LocalBusiness  #RodeoMerchandise #RodeoFun

The Oakdale Rodeo is approaching soon, be sure to head to the Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store to browse through a large selection of rodeo merchandise!

The Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store is located at 870 N. Yosemite Ave., Oakdale, CA.

#hopechestthriftstore #oakdale #oakdaledeals #rodeo #AprilEvents #oakdaleevents #oakdalerodeo #centralvalley #rodeothrift #localthrift #shoplocal #localbusiness #rodeomerchandise #rodeofun
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4 days ago
Visit a Hope Chest Thrift Store to browse through a selection of great pieces of jewelry that are sure to amplify your outfit! 

To locate a Hope Chest Thrift Store near you, visit hopechestthrift.org/locations/.

#HopeChestThriftStore #ThriftShopping #ThriftedJewelry #ThriftFashion #ShopLocal #LocalThrift #CentralValley #Modesto #Oakdale #Turlock #Ceres #Stockton #Manteca

Visit a Hope Chest Thrift Store to browse through a selection of great pieces of jewelry that are sure to amplify your outfit!

To locate a Hope Chest Thrift Store near you, visit hopechestthrift.org/locations/.

#hopechestthriftstore #thriftshopping #thriftedjewelry #ThriftFashion #shoplocal #localthrift #centralvalley #modesto #oakdale #turlock #ceres #stockton #manteca
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5 days ago
Head to the Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store to find your rodeo needs at a great price!

The Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store is located at 870 N. Yosemite Ave., Oakdale, CA.

#HopeChestThriftStore #ShopLocal #LocalDiscount #RodeoDeal #RodeoThrift #RodeoGear #Oakdale #OakdaleRodeo #LocalEvents #CentralValley #CentralValleyEvents #CowboyCapital

Head to the Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store to find your rodeo needs at a great price!

The Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store is located at 870 N. Yosemite Ave., Oakdale, CA.

#hopechestthriftstore #shoplocal #localdiscount #rodeodeal #rodeothrift #rodeogear #oakdale #oakdalerodeo #localevents #centralvalley #centralvalleyevents #CowboyCapital
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6 days ago
The Oakdale Rodeo is almost here! Be sure to check out all of the rodeo goods at the Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store, you may find what makes you Yee-Haw!

The Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store is located at 870 N. Yosemite Ave., Oakdale, CA.

#HopeChestThriftStore #LocalThrift #Oakdale #OakdaleRodeo #AprilEvents #OakdaleEvents #ShopLocal #LocalBusiness #CentralValley #RodeoWear #RodeoGear

The Oakdale Rodeo is almost here! Be sure to check out all of the rodeo goods at the Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store, you may find what makes you Yee-Haw!

The Oakdale Hope Chest Thrift Store is located at 870 N. Yosemite Ave., Oakdale, CA.

#hopechestthriftstore #localthrift #oakdale #oakdalerodeo #AprilEvents #oakdaleevents #shoplocal #localbusiness #centralvalley #rodeowear #rodeogear
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6 days ago
Today is the LAST day of our March Madness Sale where ALL sporting goods are 50% OFF! Do not miss your big shot, and head to a Hope Chest Thrift Store today!

To locate a Hope Chest Thrift Store near you, visit hopechestthrift.org/location/.

#HopeChestThriftStore #LocalThrifting #CentralValley #ThriftShopping #ShopLocal #Modesto #Stockton #Turlock #Ceres #Oakdale #Manteca #SpringSale #SpringSports #Spring #ThriftSale #ThriftingDeals

Today is the LAST day of our March Madness Sale where ALL sporting goods are 50% OFF! Do not miss your big shot, and head to a Hope Chest Thrift Store today!

To locate a Hope Chest Thrift Store near you, visit hopechestthrift.org/location/.

#hopechestthriftstore #localthrifting #centralvalley #thriftshopping #shoplocal #modesto #stockton #turlock #ceres #oakdale #manteca #SpringSale #springsports #spring #thriftsale #ThriftingDeals
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7 days ago
As the weather warms, you may find yourself in the need of some fun sports gear! Stop by a Hope Chest Thrift Store from March 17-19, 2025 to get 50% OFF all sporting goods in the store!

To locate a Hope Chest Thrift Store near you, visit hopechestthrift.org/locations/.

#HopeChestThriftStore #ThriftSale #SportsSale #SportsGearSale #GearDeals #ThriftedGear #SpringSports #Spring #LocalThrifting #LocalDeals #LocalSales #ShopLocal #CentralValley #Bicycles

As the weather warms, you may find yourself in the need of some fun sports gear! Stop by a Hope Chest Thrift Store from March 17-19, 2025 to get 50% OFF all sporting goods in the store!

To locate a Hope Chest Thrift Store near you, visit hopechestthrift.org/locations/.

#hopechestthriftstore #thriftsale #SportsSale #SportsGearSale #geardeals #thriftedgear #springsports #spring #localthrifting #LocalDeals #localsales #shoplocal #centralvalley #bicycles
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1 week ago
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